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Pachypodium Lamerei | cactus | Madagascar Palm

60.00 AED 195.00 AED Inc. vat

Care Instructions


Pachypodium lamerei, commonly known as the Madagascar palm, thrives in bright, direct sunlight and requires at least six hours of sunlight each day. Place it near a south-facing window where it can receive ample light, as this will promote healthy growth and prevent etiolation (stretching).

Water: Water your Pachypodium lamerei sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water thoroughly every two to three weeks, and reduce watering in the fall and winter months to prevent root rot, as the plant enters dormancy.The more light your plant gets, the more you’ll need to water it. Similarly, the less light it gets, the less it will need.

Difficulty: Moderate to care for.

Pets: Pachypodium lamerei is mildly toxic to pets if ingested, so it should be kept out of reach of cats and dogs.

Pachypodium lamerei, commonly known as Madagascar palm or Madagascar palm tree, is a striking succulent plant native to Madagascar, an island off the southeastern coast of Africa. Despite its common name, it is not a true palm but rather a member of the Apocynaceae family, related to oleanders and plumerias.

Pachypodium lamerei typically grows as a tall, upright, columnar plant, resembling a palm tree with a thick, spiny trunk. The trunk can reach heights of up to 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters) in cultivation, though in its natural habitat it can grow even taller. The trunk is covered with sharp, stout spines arranged in spirals along its length. It produces white, trumpet-shaped flowers with a yellow center. The flowers appear in clusters at the tips of the branches during the warmer months. They are fragrant and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Care and maintenance

When cultivating Pachypodium lamerei, it’s essential to provide it with proper drainage to prevent root rot. Additionally, occasional pruning may be necessary to remove dead or damaged growth. As with most succulents, it’s important not to overwater, especially during the plant’s dormant period in winter

  • Reach heights of up to 6 to 8 feet
  • Produces white, trumpet-shaped flowers with a yellow center
  • Fragrant flowers
  • Sometimes used in traditional medicine
  • Native to Madagascar
  • Place the Succulents where they will get a lot of indirect sunlight.
  • Use safety gloves before engaging with cactus
Select Height

30-40 cm, 1.2-1.5 m

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