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Herbs and Vegetables
Habak Desert Mint “Mentha longifolia” Vegetable Herb Plant 6ltr Pot
Native to Europe
Family: Lamiaceae /Mint family
Latin name: Longifolia
Common Name: Wild mint, Bible mint, Horse mint and Fillymint
Aroma: Peppermint scented
Flowers: 3–5 mm long, lilac, purplish, or white
Like other Mentha species it is known to have important medicinal properties
- It is good for wind and colic in the stomach
- The juice, laid on warm, helps the kernels in the throat
- The decoction or distilled water helps a stinking breath, proceeding from corruption of the teeth, purges the head
- It helps the scurf or dandruff of the head used with vinegar
- Lowers blood pressure and is traditionally used to treat coughs and mild respiratory issues as well as ridding the stomach of gases
SKU: n/a